306600988 519965176607966 5849120808718131593 n

Second transnational meeting

Midterm Meeting (Peru) hosted by BVBP between 13-16/09/2022. Partners met to evaluate the activities implemented so far and first results, discuss possible changes to improve the quality of activities, preparation for the next study visit, define the guidelines for the Handbook, set new goals and plan the next phases

First transnantional meeting

The first transnational meeting took place between 06-07/07/2021 in Belgrade, Serbia hosted by DC Youth. Partners discussed in detail the project, the responsibilities for each partner, the outputs and the materials that are going to be produced, as well as, a sustainability plan for the outcomes of the project and the possible activities after the lifespan of the 24-months will be finalised etc.
287030781 564351428464584 3301684433903624569 n
328107022 575953821091036 1054936938448869811 n

Third Transnational meeting

Final Evaluation Meeting (Vietnam). Partner organisations gathered in the last meeting to evaluate the whole project, planning next dissemination activities and discuss possible future collaboration, projects actions. They alll implemented the final multiplier event in Vietnam.